How to Upload a Client via File

While at your Careerhub Dashboard, click on the "Clients" button. 

Once at the page of Clients, locate the green button that says "Import Clients" and click it. 

You'll see a pop-up box giving you an option to download CSV or Excel templates to help assist you in making sure you're uploading file types that are accessible to Careerhub. Otherwise you can click the "next" button.

The next page asks which group you'll be assigning the new client to. You can select a preexisting group, or create a new one. Once this step is finished, click "Next."

The next step prompts you to locate your file for Upload. Once you've selected your file, you will see it's name appear over top the drag-and-drop box. This means the file is ready for Upload. 

If you accidentally selected the wrong folder, you may click "Remove" in the upper-hand corner of the drag-and-drop box to re-select the appropriate file. Once selected, click, "Import Clients."

After the upload is complete, you'll need to refresh your web page to see the results. If you happened to create a new group during this process, you can go to the "Groups" tab on the left and the new group will have been created. 

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